Thursday, July 2, 2009

When all the commotion and chaos of preparation clears, I feel the ache and deep emptiness that leaves me short of breath. Going on vacation without him. It's too much.


Anonymous said...


Steph said...

I should have been happy and excited when I woke up at camp last friday morning. First day of vacation. Guests on their way. Baby Ella was coming and the 4th of July Festivities were about to begin. Instead I was sad and anxious and didn't know why. When I asked myself, the answer came in a flood of tears. I hate doing this without Joe. He should be here. It still takes my breath away too Rob. Here, more than any other place, the missing of him is so vast. And yet, somehow, at the same time, I feel his presence here. I don't know how to explain it but being at this place where he found and spread so much joy and fun and laughter is a comfort to me. I try to focus on that spirit of fun that he left here. I know it's hard here for you Rob and I don't know if it will ever get any easier. I do know that you will never be alone in the missing of him though. Never ever in a thousand years will we stop missing our friend.