Friday, December 7, 2007

Today was rough.
If you live in this area you may know there was an article in today's paper about me and a wrongful death lawsuit on Joe's behalf. I was actually told about the article this morning while talking to one of Joe's business colleagues on the phone. I was pretty much in shock about the whole thing all morning. It took me a long time to read the article all the way through. I kept getting stuck on the first three words....
"Widow of motorcyclist..."
I guess it's not appropriate to write the background of the lawsuit here or even the details of what happened today. For now I am just going to go about my business and ****hope**** that my attorneys and all other people involoved in this will remember that I AM THE WIDOW OF A MOTORCYCLIST every day, all day, and every night. Every minute, every second. I don't go home from an office to my family and forget about this nightmare. This is not my job and this is not a news story to me, it's my life.


Heather said...

Thinking of you Rob. You're doing the right thing with this.
Love pouring out to you tonight,

Heather said...

I love you aunty robin